Pam Prowse 1932 002

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Paul Taylor lodged a number of interesting patents. All were in the field of audio reproduction, often for Public Address use. In particular he was passionate about carefully delay-phased line-source loudspeaker arrays and we have his extensive original design notes. This led him to development of loudspeakers which were used in St Pauls in the 1950s and much later, the improved models which were used in Westminster Abbey in the 1970s.

I am aware of the following patents:

Patent Topic


Use of underfloor coils to power loudspeakers

February 1952

Radio selective calling system

January 1953

Magnetic disk time delay for PA loudspeaker systems (*)

May 1954

Phasing of column loudspeakers

August 1959

Improved line-source (column) loudspeaker

December 1974

Refinement of line-source loudspeakers

November 1976


(*) With Paul Marriott

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